
Coronavirus Phase 3 Route Map – What It Means For You

The Scottish Government has today set out what Phase 3 of the route map through the Coronavirus will look like, with a list of restrictions that will be lifted or relaxed. The biggest and most immediate change that most people will see is that it has become compulsory to wear a face mask or covering in shops unless you meet a limited set of exemptions.

The slide from the Scottish Government below shows some of the changes and the expected dates. (Click the image to enlarge)

Some of the other important changes are listed below.

Seeing Family and Friends
Outdoors – a household can meet up to 4 other households at a time – up to 15 people in total.

Indoors – a household can meet up to 2 other households at a time – up to 8 people in total. This includes overnight stays.

A household can meet up to 4 other households per day in total (this is in total – meetings indoors and/or outdoors)

The limit on the number of other households you can meet per day (indoors or outdoors) doesn’t apply to young people who are younger than 18.

Children aged 11 or under no longer need to physically distance indoors. Young people aged 12-17 must continue to physically distance.

Extended Households: Non cohabiting partners (and any children under 18 in their households) can form an extended household without physical distancing.

For children
Children aged 11 or under no longer need to physically distance indoors. Young people aged 12-17 must continue to physically distance.

Education and Childcare
Schools: From 11 August: Children to be able to return to school full time (conditional upon ongoing scientific and health advice). The blended model of schooling remains a contingency plan.

All childcare providers can open subject to individual provider arrangements – 15 July.

Universities and colleges –phased return to on campus learning as part of a blended model with remote teaching. Public health measures (including physical distancing) in place – 22 July.

For couples
Extended Households: Non cohabiting partners (and any children under 18 in their households) can form an extended household without physical distancing.

For people who are shielding
From Friday 10 July, the Scottish Government advice will be that you can:

  • stop physically distancing from the people you live with
  • go indoors to use a toilet in someone else’s house, when visiting them outdoors
  • meet up to 8 people outdoors, from 2 other households, in a single day
  • travel further than 5 miles from your house, as far as you want
  • book self-catering accommodation or travel to a second home – try only to stay with people you live with at home

People who live alone can agree with another household to form an “extended household”. This applies to adults who are shielding and live only with children under 18.

An extended household means you can visit this household indoors and stay over, without physical distancing. This includes staying at self-catering accommodation or in a second home. It means that you can provide childcare to children outwith your own household.

Children aged 11 and under are be able to play outdoors, without physical distancing, in groups of up to eight and of no more than two other households. This now includes children aged 11 and under who live with someone who is shielding.

For people of faith
Places of worship can re-open for congregational services, communal prayer and contemplation with physical distancing and limited numbers – 15 July.

Easing of restrictions on attendance at funerals, marriage ceremonies, civil partnership registrations, with physical distancing (limited numbers) – 15 July.

Getting Around
No restriction on travel in Scotland if acting in line with all other guidance which supports the Routemap.

Public transport continues to scale up to full services during this phase, as it moves to a 1 metre physical distancing model once appropriate mitigations are in place, but will continue to have reduced capacity.

May be geographical differences depending on circumstances.

Motorcycle instruction and theory/hazard tests can resume. Tractor driver instruction can resume – 22 July

Shopping, eating and drinking out
Non-essential shops inside shopping centres can re-open (following guidance and with physical distancing) – 13 July.

Indoor hospitality (subject to physical distancing rules and guidance) – 15 July.

Hairdressers and barbers – with enhanced hygiene measures – 15 July.

Other personal retail services such as beauticians and tailors – with enhanced hygiene measures – 22 July.

The full Scottish Government document can be downloaded here.

